Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

What services are offered?
Our comprehensive services include the following: Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE), Work Hardening, Work Conditioning, Job-site Analysis, AMA Impairment Rating/PPD, Post Offer Testing (formerly pre-placement screening).

Where are your locations and how do I make an appointment?


8001 Braddock Rd. Suite 100, Springfield, VA 22151


22900 Shaw Road, #101-3, Sterling, VA 20166

Please call 800-521-8065 to make an appointment!

How do I contact you?

For general inquiries please call 800-521-8065.

What should I expect on my first visit?
For traditional Physical Therapy expect 1-2 hours. Functional Capacity Evaluation, a comprehensive 4-5 hour evaluation. For Work Hardening/Work Conditioning, expect 2-4 hours on day one . For AMA Impairment Rating, a 1-2 hour evaluation.

I have a referral for another clinic but I chose Industrial Health, can I do that?
Yes, you have the right to choose the clinic of your choice.

What do I need for my first day?
Please bring a photo I.D.

How should I dress when coming to Industrial Health?
You should wear athletic clothing and footwear. This can be in the form of shorts, t-shirts, athletic bottoms, tank tops and tennis shoes.  If you are enrolled in the Work Hardening or Conditioning program, your therapist will advise you as to the appropriate attire.

Insurance Information

Is my insurance accepted?
Industrial Health is a covered service through Workers’ Compensation.